Social Spin, Keeping you so Fresh and so Clean: Shower Services

min read
Jul 2, 2023
Photo of the Social Spin Phoenix Showers Flyer on a wall. Wedesdays & Thursdays 8am -  Noon project by Social Spin Foundation funded in part by BCBS. Photos by Jenny Carrillo Photos
By Jenny Carrillo Photos

Social Spin is more than a laundromat. It is a place where I see community, purpose and dignity being lived out. It is described as a “purpose driven laundromat” and designed to serve as much more than a place to wash laundry. Social Spin is partnering with local businesses, nonprofits and local government agencies to ensure that the basic elements of human dignity are provided to everyone. 

What do you think of your showering/bathing routine? Is it a priority for your self care regime? Is it an opportunity to wash off the day, or start a new day? 

Showering has many benefits, more than leaving you clean and fresh. Showers are mental and physical health care wrapped together.

Being clean allows people to be among others. The stigma of body odors with nowhere to safely clean, leaves many of our community members with minimal to no healthy safe places to go, eat, rest, work. 

As a community hub Social Spin comes  with health and education services in addition to hygiene and shower services. And, of course, what community gathering doesn’t have food? but more on that in later articles. 

Social Spin’s approach is people focus and addressing individuals as a whole. Founder and Owner, Christy Moore strongly believes and  advocates that  having the opportunity to clean yourself is a basic human right. In 2022 in partnership with  Blue Cross Blue Shield, funding shower operations and Maricopa County Health funding the renovation, Social Spin Foundation has been able to install and provide free showers to community members at their Phoenix location every Wednesday. On Wednesday you can also find Trevor’s Vision, a local non-profit that focuses on meeting the needs of the homeless in the Phoenix area by providing meals, clothing and other needs. Founded in 2014 by Jeff Kisstler, he based the name of the organization on the character, Trevor from Pay it Forward. Their goal: “To change the world for the better through acts of kindness and generosity.” They are with Social Spin providing showers on Wash with Care Wednesdays in Phoenix from 8:00 a.m. -12:00p.m. 

On Thursday evenings you can find them at Grace Lutheran Church 5:30p.m. -7:00p.m serving hot meals, every second Saturday of each month at Phoenix Bible Baptist Church 11:00a.m. -12:00 p.m.  serving lunch. 

On their shower trailer they have a quote by Mother Teresa, "At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, or how many great things we have done. We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me.”

Acknowledging each person’s humanity, Christy is cultivating  a conscious capitalism business model and leading us to meet people where they are by showing up with kindness, curiosity and compassion. Social Spin’s  approach to community development is restorative to human dignity. 

Social Spin Foundation Provides Showers in their Phoenix Location every Wednesday and Thursday 8:00 a.m. -12:00p.m. 

All Photography was done by Jenny Carillo. Please follow them on Instagram and check out their website. | JennyCarilloPhotos on Instagram |